Calculate customs service

Customs services

Being an Authorised Customs Representative and Customs Carrier, we are able to ensure a smooth and transparent transportation process for a client to avoid costly and inconvenient delays.

We provide full range of services:

  • Expert advice and guidance on all necessary procedures and relevant cargo description and codification as to Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, cargo declaration.
  • Estimation of customs charges.
  • Preparation of documents for customs clearance.
  • Preparation of documents needed for export clearance (CMR, EX-1) in the EU.
  • Remote declaration and e-declaration.
  • Communication with authority.

Completed projects

The house on wheels

Recently, we received an order from one of our clients for customs clearance and transportation of house fragments and components...

9 tons of cargo on the way to Taiwan
This delivery was held in the interests of the manufacturer of these products.
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